Admission Rules
1. Admission of new students to the various classes shall be made from the beginning of the academic session i.e.1st April every year upto the 31st May but not late than this date , except as specified below.
2. Incomplete Admission form will not be accepted. Mention the true date of birth in admission form.
3. Admission will not be given without T.C.
4. Fee receipt no. etc. should be written in admission form.
5. Admission will not be given to more than 40 students in a section in a class.
6. No admission form shall be accepted after 20 June.
Admission Test
Admission test to classes other then class U.Kg. will be held if only seats are available. On this point the principal's decision will be final. The standard of this admission test will be of the level of annual examination of the class preceeding to one where admission is sought. The admission test shall be held in following subjects for admission primary classes (L.K.G TO 5th ) English , Hindi , Maths , Middle classes (6th to 8th ) English , Hindi , Maths , Science .
Age Limit
At the time of admission to class Nursery , the child should have 3 years of age on 30 April of the year . The child should complete 15 year of age on 30 September of the year in which
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Core Values of Home Academy School
- Accept and respect every individual as God's creation in his own image.
- Love and respect for the nation and every member in the community.
- Transparency and fairness in all dealings and transactions.
- Serve the nation and mankind through education.
- Be excellent: socially, spiritually academically, physically and emotionally.